Monday 8 March 2010

Translucent Tabletop!!

I had a go at taking out the IR filter from the PS3 eye toy, and it didn't work. I ended up just completely destroying my eye toy. This is a massive blow to my visual project status, and I cannot afford a camera with the price tag of  £1000 which will mean that I cant go ahead with succesfully projecting a visual aid onto the tabletop! This obviously is a great pity as I have been making progress with animation.  

I must admit that I will be unable to accomplish such a light show in the time that I have, and leave this part of the ReacTable for now.

However this does not mean, that I will not get visual feedback working at some point. As my dead line looms closer, I concentrate on making music with it. I will keep you all posted on any progress I make with the visual feedback.

I now need to buy another camera and start making some sound.

I would also like to add, for thoes who it may concern  that I made some progress with making my glass translucent.

I orded a sample from and this is a picture of it....

I will continue with the visual feedback research after the hand in date for my final year project. 

I will get this working at some point, so watch this space.

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